Drug war

Repudiation of Interventionist Initiative of the United States

A statement by the People’s Human Rights Observatory (Observatorio de los Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos) concerning threats of US intervention in Mexico. The PHRO is an international coalition of which AFGJ is a founding member. English: From the People’s Human Rights Observatory (Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos), we reject the initiative pushed…

Attacks on Peace Court Could Help Plunge Colombia Back into War

by James Patrick Jordan Send an email to Colombian authorities demanding they drop the charges against July Henriquez, Ernesto Caicedo, and Martha Lucía Zamora In a brazen attack on Colombia’s peace accords, Attorney General Néstor Humberto Martínez Neira has brought charges against three former officials of the Special Peace Jurisdiction courts (JEP, by its Spanish…

Struggle and defiance at Colombia’s Feast of Pestilence

by James Patrick Jordan There is a scene in Arturo Alape’s novel, El Cadaver Insepulto (The Unburied Corpse) that sums up Colombia’s current reality. A small group of authorities have been called to enter the apartment of an elderly woman who has not been seen in the community for days. Her apartment is at the…

Cinco Demandas por la Paz en Colombia – Carta Abierta por Defensores de Derechos Humanos Internacionales

Incluyen sus nombres y organizaciones con Noam Chomsky, Adolfo Pérez Ezquivel (ganador del Premio Nobel de la Paz), y Piedad Córdoba, vocera de Colombianas y Colombianos por la paz, y muchas organizaciones internacionales en defensa de los derechos humanos. Envía una carta a [email protected] para incluir su organización como aprobador esta carta y sus cinco…

Five Demands for Peace in Colombia – Open Letter by International Human Rights Defenders

Join Noam Chomsky, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Adolfo Perez Ezquivel, Colombians for Peace founder Piedad Córdoba, and many international human rights and solidarity organizations in taking a stand for peace in Colombia. Endorse this sign-on letter and its five demands. You may also sign as an individual, along with your organizational affiliation (for identification purposes…

Sweet Dreams and Nightmares – Can Colombia Achieve a Just Peace?

by James Patrick Jordan The dream of achieving a just and durable peace in Colombia may be taking a turn for the worst, becoming a nightmare of massacre and abuse, where hopes of democracy have come head to head against a march toward fascism. That is the sad reality. But it is not an inevitable…

What is Prison Imperialism?

AfGJ calls the spread of the US mass incarceration model “Prison Imperialism.”  We’re referring to the prison programs themselves, as well as the imperialist dynamic between the US and the affected countries. These programs exist in the context of increased police and border militarization, US military bases, neoliberal economic policies, and economic extraction from poor…

Resistiendo los Bases Militares y Estrategias del Pentágono en Latinoamérica

por James Patrick Jordan Originalmente publicado en Sur y Sur  “Los Estados Unidos parecen destinados por la Providencia a plagar la América de miserias en nombre de la libertad.” Estas palabras fueron escritas por Simón Bolivar desde hace 189 años. El Gran Liberador entendió que liberación y el concepto estadounidense de libertad no son iguales. Cuando…